Digium Switchvox 6.x SIP Trunk Setup
You will be giving a SIP username, Password and Registrar server by your N2Net engineer.
SIP Trunk Configuration
Navigate to SETUP -> VoIP Providers and select Create SIP Provider. Enter the below information.
SIP Provider Name: N2Net UniVoice
Your Account ID: (The SIP username)
Your Password: (The SIP Password)
Hostname/IP Address: (The SIP Registrar server)
Enter a valid call back extension and then click on the Caller ID Settings tab.
Set “Supports Changing Caller ID” setting to YES.
In the “Caller-ID method” drop down select P-Asserted-Identity.
Enter a valid default caller ID name and number.
Click Save SIP Provider.
Last Updated: May 2nd, 2016